Monday, July 14, 2008

Sacramento Scoop is now simply Tomato Scoop

Its been over a month since i've been on blogger and a whole heck of a lot has gone down since.

I went to Brazil for an amazing three weeks.

I packed up the "house" and "fam" into my crv with u-haul hitched to it and made the cross-country trek. Most notable stop being in Chi-town for the 4th.

Moved into karens cousins apt here in brooklyn which we are subletting for the month whilst undertaking the seemingly impossible feat of finding our own digs.

Um.. what else..... OH YEAH, i decided to change my blogspot from sacramentoscoop to:

It has been an idea i have romanced for nearly the whole existence of the blog and why i didn't just make it tomatoscoop in the first place was for some reason i can't even remember. So now that I am no longer in Sactown and have semi-perminently relocated to brooklyn (most likely where I'll be for the next couple years or so) the whole "sacramento" part is a bit superfluous.

But if you are still interested in checking in on the happs over here on the other side of the country please continue to check in. No, I cannot guarantee any sort of regularity in my postings and if you've been reading my blog for any extended period of time, this probably wouldn't be a concern of yours by now anyhow.

So here's to new beginings! And click below if you haven't already made your way over. Does this mean you're expecting a new post..?

Maybe i should get on that.

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